
Nelly Edmondson Gupta is a writer, editor and workshop leader. As an editor, she has worked at top-tier magazines, including the Ladies' Home Journal, Weight Watchers and Health Monitor. She has also written for many of the nation’s leading magazines, newspapers and websites.

Nelly has written articles for consumer magazines such as American Baby, Arthur Frommer’s Smart Shopping, Bride’s, In Touch: The Good Health Guide to Cancer Treatment and Prevention, Parents, Woman's Day, Westchester Magazine and many others.

She has also written for health and science publications, including The Chironian, (published by New York Medical College) and Einstein: The Magazine for Alumni and Friends of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.

In addition, Nelly has written for the New York Times, the New York Daily News, The Journal News, and numerous websites, including Breastcancer.org, Healthmonitor.com, the G.E. Healthymagination Blog and Sharecare.com